viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

The Alhambra Palace.

The Alhambra isn't a palace as most people think, it is a city with a wall in which there were three palaces, houses for artisans and noblility and a military place called "alcazaba" with three towers to make sure that enemies weren't able to get in. The Generalife was the summer residence of Muhammad III, and when it was built by the Muslims it had no gardens, but had vegetables and fruit to feed the entire city of Alhambra; also had animals such as sheep, cows and horses.

The first palace of the Alhambra is the palace of Yusuf I, called The palace of Comares, and was the official part. It was composed of several rooms, as the Mexuar, room which turned into a shrine when the Christians came, the Golden Court, Court of Comares or the throne room, which is decorated with plaster reliefs on the walls and a dome representing the seven heavens that Muslims had to pass to go through to go to the world of Ala.

Another of the best preserved palaces is the Palace of the Lions, where Muhammad V lived, and was thought to be the private part. There are several rooms around the Court of the Lions, which is one of the most famous court of the Alhambra, since the center is a fountain with twelve lions that belonged to the house of a Jew. You can find the Hall of Abencerrajes below, named like that because a legend says that several members of the family of the Abencerrages were killed in this room.

The name "Alhambra" means red castle, as it was made mostly of brick. In addition, water and vegetation was very important for Muslims as they came from the desert, where there was neither of these. Nowadays, many parts of the palace are being rebuilt, as we saw on the trip we did with our school yesterday. From my point of view the Alhambra is one of the best examples of Islamic art in the world, and must be named a wonder of the world.

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